How the ECPSF Works


ECPSF matches donations large and small with a wide range of greatest needs and value-added projects in our elementary, middle, and high schools.

"We have fond memories of our children laughing and enjoying the playground at our neighborhood school. We were thrilled when we contacted the school and the principal suggested we contribute to some new playground equipment. It’s fun to drive by every day and see that we made a difference." 

"I was amazed that my contribution of $100 would mean so much to 18 first graders, who used the money to go on a field trip to a local farm. The foundation sent me thank you letters from each of them."

"I supported the Greatest Needs Fund and was pleased to see my contribution went out to several important projects."


ECPSF works with donors to establish funds designated for scholarships, specific school programs, and value-added projects that fulfill the mission of the Eau Claire Area School District.

"We had funds that were not earning any interest. Establishing the McKinley Charter School Success Fund has turned that money into a growing endowment that can allocate funds for student needs."

"To celebrate our 55 years since graduation, I contacted my classmates to set up an endowment fund for our high school."

The Future.

ECPSF works with individuals and families to create personal, lasting legacies that grow, benefit the public schools forever, and preserve the donor’s intent.

"By working with our attorney and the foundation, we were able to include our favorite school in our estate plans."

"Having a donor advised family fund allows us to annually make a decision on where our donation goes."