Northwoods Elementary School

Our Mission:

Northwoods Elementary strives to provide the very best instruction in both the academic and social/emotional components of learning. Northwoods has a promise in which all our community members are committed to keep. It states, “We promise to be a team that shows respect, acts safely and responsibly while learning together.”

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Wish List - Needs Request

Cost Detail

Total Cost

Visual Learners

Document cameras provide the entire class with the same view of objects, pictures, and books. We hope to purchase four and will share them with the entire school.

$539 $2,156

Tower Gardens

Tower Gardens at Northwoods  provide a wonderful connection to our student’s learning about health, nutrition, and the growing cycle.  This addition to our school would also promote an interest in self-sustaining systems, and gaining a better understanding of where our food comes from!  These gardens can be wheeled from classroom to classroom, so all students would be able to see the growing cycle.  Students can also learn responsibility in maintaining our gardens, and feel the satisfaction of growing something that is both beautiful and edible!

$ breakdown of parts is available $1,000

English Language Learners - Playaways

Listening to someone read and reading to oneself are important parts of Daily 5 literacy curriculum. We are seeking Playaways, Audiopods, and headphones to provide reading and listening opportunities for English Language Learners.

$20 per student $2,000

Friends of Northwoods

43% of Northwoods’ families live in poverty and struggle to provide basic items for their children. This translates to more than 150 children who may come to school without necessary items for learning. Helping Hands Fund provides essentials such as backpacks and coats, as well as funds for needy students to participate in special non-athletic programs and field trips.

$10 per student $1,500

Early Learning

Young learners need games, books, and toys as part of their school day. Books of their very own are needed for all of our students.

$30 will support 10 children $500

Sculpture Tour - Downtown Eau Claire

This gift would provide transportation costs for an entire grade to experience the sculptures in downtown Eau Claire, enabling them to learn more about our town while discovering art.

$300 $300