Putnam Heights Elementary School

At Putnam Heights students are prepared for post-secondary success.

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Wish List - Needs Request

Cost Detail

Total Cost

Literacy and Reading

At Putnam Heights we place importance on reading and want every child coming to kindergarten to know the joy of reading by having their own books. We give them a jump start on their personal library by giving them books several times a year.

$30/child $3,000

Winter Gear

Children learn through play, indoors and out!  At Putnam our students play outside 2-3 times per day. For some students, playing outside in the winter isn’t as much fun, because they don’t have warm winter gear that allows them to play in the snow.  Hats, mittens, coats, snow pants, and boots are always a welcome donation!  Any size will do, we will match the donations with the students who need them!

Varies Unlimited

Water Sensory Table

Sensory play is an important part of learning! Sensory play builds language, social skills, and motor development. For children with special needs and sensory integration disorders sensory play may be particularly therapeutic. This sensory table would be used in our special education resource rooms.

$400/table $1,200

Beginning Readers

We need funds to purchase paperback books for incoming kindergartners.
Each year we like to give the kindergartners a book so they know the joy of having their own books, establishing an early beginning to a lifelong love for reading.

 Thanks to a generous family we have support for this for 2015!